PLEASE ATTEND City of Ingleside Public Hearing at 6:30pm on Monday, February 10, 2025, at Ingleside City Hall (2671 San Angelo St, Ingleside) to SPEAK OUT against the rezoning request for a Special Use permit request from the Port of Corpus Christi Authority to build a Solar Farm that could pave the way for future industrial development in San Patricio county including hydrogen/ammonia production plants discussed by the San Patricio Economic Development Council.
Can't make the meeting? Use this link to sign the petition that will be hand-delivered to Ingleside City Council on Monday 2/10/25
What you should know:
If you are unable to attending the public meetings please email your comment to [email protected].
Hydrogen/Ammonia: Future of Clean Energy or False Solution?
Public Meeting coming soon!! Stay tuned for more details.
1/3/2025 : Currently waiting for the Executive Director with TCEQ to respond to citizen comments and approval or denial of permit. Once this is completed EPA will review.
Cheniere Title V Federal Operating Permit 4592 renewal to include their Stage 3 expansion project. Comments need to be submitted to TCEQ by October 14, 2024.
Submit comment to TCEQ with this link HERE. Enter permit number 4592 and proceed as prompted. The links below provide you with "talking points" to copy and paste in the comment area, copy of public notice, draft permit application and their Statement of Basis.
Talking points suggestions for you to use In your comment please request a notice and comment hearing.
Statement of Basis
Cheniere's 96 page Draft Permit Application
TCEQ's Public Notice for Revised Notice of Draft Federal Operating Permit
Statement of Basis
Cheniere's 96 page Draft Permit Application
TCEQ's Public Notice for Revised Notice of Draft Federal Operating Permit
Optimal Gas Images (OGI) photos and OGI videos showing Cheniere's emission pollutants not see with the naked eye. Please feel free to use these in your comments.
Enough is Enough! Seeing is believing!
December 2021 OGI Videos
Cheniere OGI video of stacks 12/13/2021:
Cheniere OGI video of flare 12/16/2021:
Cheniere OGI video from water 12/14/2021:
One year later, same pollution......
Chenire OGI video of stacks 9/2022:
Cheniere OGI video view 2, 9/2022:
Cheniere OGI view 4, 9/2022:
Chenerie OGI Video from water 9/2022:
Cheniere OGI video of stacks 12/13/2021:
Cheniere OGI video of flare 12/16/2021:
Cheniere OGI video from water 12/14/2021:
One year later, same pollution......
Chenire OGI video of stacks 9/2022:
Cheniere OGI video view 2, 9/2022:
Cheniere OGI view 4, 9/2022:
Chenerie OGI Video from water 9/2022:
1/3/2025: Currently waiting for USACE decision on permit.
Kenneth Berry, owner of Berry Island Basin Project has submitted a permit application, #SWG-2024-00134, to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to construct a NEW vessel docking basin on La Quinta Channel for:
1) docking of large crude oil carriers, cargo ships, boats, barges, and other similar vessels, and 2) a safe harbor location during inclement weather events..
by October 3, 2024. Comments need to include your name, address, phone number and the Department of the Army permit number SWG-2024-00134. |
Submitted Project Plans
Here is an email example of comments to use: Subject line: Objection to Proposed Basin Dock at Berry Island SWG-2024-00134
I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed dock near residential areas in Ingleside on the Bay, Ingleside, Gregory and Portland. The proximity of this dock to residential homes and businesses will result in several significant issues:
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Phone Number]
I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed dock near residential areas in Ingleside on the Bay, Ingleside, Gregory and Portland. The proximity of this dock to residential homes and businesses will result in several significant issues:
- Noise Pollution: Cargo vessels emit around 190 decibels, louder than a jet at take-off. Regular exposure to noise levels above 110 decibels can cause hearing loss and tinnitus. Water amplifies noise, making conversations from boats on the Corpus Ship Channel audible to residents.
- Marine Impact: Underwater noise travels four times faster and ten times farther than in air, negatively impacting marine wildlife. The location of this dock is in close proximity to Ingleside Cove Sanctuary.
- Light Pollution: Bright lights necessary for dock operations will hinder residents from enjoying the night sky and views. It will also hinder trying to keep the lights from filtering in when trying to sleep.
- Increased Vessel Traffic: The proposed dock will increase ship and barge traffic, exacerbating erosion and damage already affecting local communities.
- Safety Concerns: Increased traffic poses dangers to recreational swimmers, kayakers, boaters, and commercial shrimpers. The risk of vessels losing power and causing damage or injury is significant. In addition, there is approval for increased ship traffic that has not yet been seen. This dock would increase the risks of collision with VLCC’s that transverse the La Quinta Channel throughout the year. A Collision will have catastrophic consequences for all neighboring communities. Local volunteer fire departments and available emergency responders do not have the capacity to handle a catastrophic event for a collision and/or explosion of this nature.
- Docking Alternatives: Other docking locations that are not near residential areas have successfully provided safe harbor during storms, including Hurricane Harvey. This dock does not need to be so close to our community.
- Cumulative Impacts: The combined effects of noise, air pollution, and increased traffic will diminish residents’ quality of life and ability to enjoy the outdoors. At the very least an Environmental Impact Statement needs to be completed.
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Phone Number]
Prior Calls to Action
UPDATE: Ingleside City Council DENIED Rezoning Request!!!!
The City Council of Ingleside is holding a public meeting 8/5 regarding a public meeting for rezoning request from the PortOfTexas(NOT associated with the Port of Corpus Christi) but a Berry owned company. The request is to rezone 233.13 acre tract of land within the City of Ingleside from Residential to Industrial with Industrial Objectionable Uses for crude oil and other unrefined products for storage to then be transported to refineries and/or marine loading facilities.
The City Council of Ingleside is holding a public meeting 8/5 regarding a public meeting for rezoning request from the PortOfTexas(NOT associated with the Port of Corpus Christi) but a Berry owned company. The request is to rezone 233.13 acre tract of land within the City of Ingleside from Residential to Industrial with Industrial Objectionable Uses for crude oil and other unrefined products for storage to then be transported to refineries and/or marine loading facilities.
- Copy of Permit Application to City of Ingleside
- Ingleside Facebook group "No Storage Tanks Near Ingleside Schools"
- Public Notice
1/3/2025: Currently waiting for state regulator FERC to make final decision on permit.
Cheniere Expansion of trains 8 & 9: Thank you for your comments!!! Unfortunately for Ingleside on the Bay, Ingleside, Gregory, and Portland FERC went with the less environmental review. An Environment Assessment. As of March 2024, correspondance continues between
The United States Coast Guard supported Cheniere by telling FERC that "Based upon a comprehensive review of the applicant's WSA and after consultation with state and local port stakeholders, I recommend that the Corpus Christi and La Quinta Ships Channels be considered suitable for accommodating the type and frequency of LNG marine traffic associated with this project."
How can they even say this? We are already seeing significant environmental impacts with the 215 LNGC seen last year. We have yet to see what the already approved 400 LNGC will do!!! This permit application for an additional 80 LNGC for a total of 480 LNGC is unfathomable!!!
Our contention is that a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is needed because:
Cheniere Expansion of trains 8 & 9: Thank you for your comments!!! Unfortunately for Ingleside on the Bay, Ingleside, Gregory, and Portland FERC went with the less environmental review. An Environment Assessment. As of March 2024, correspondance continues between
The United States Coast Guard supported Cheniere by telling FERC that "Based upon a comprehensive review of the applicant's WSA and after consultation with state and local port stakeholders, I recommend that the Corpus Christi and La Quinta Ships Channels be considered suitable for accommodating the type and frequency of LNG marine traffic associated with this project."
How can they even say this? We are already seeing significant environmental impacts with the 215 LNGC seen last year. We have yet to see what the already approved 400 LNGC will do!!! This permit application for an additional 80 LNGC for a total of 480 LNGC is unfathomable!!!
Our contention is that a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is needed because:
- the comments submitted during scoping were so substantial and broad-reaching
- the last EIS done for Cheniere was in 2014 before Train 1 was constructed and FERC has permitted 7 full LNG trains (400 LNGC) since then with NO full environmental analyses!
- evidence presented during both pre-filing and on Docket CP23-129 show that the detrimental effects of issuing this permit will outweigh the beneficial effects.