YaREN = The combined partnership between Yara and Enbridge also calling themselves Ingleside Clean Ammonia Partners.
If you missed our meeting "Risks and the Real Truth on Ammonia - Your Questions Answered." on August 29th, here are the powerpoints:
Join the Fight! Calling themselves YaREN and Ingleside Clean Ammonia Partners, Canadian-owned Enbridge and Norwegian-owned Yara have applied to build a NEW Ammonia Plant on Enbridge property in Ingleside, TX.
ALL residents PLEASE attend the Public Meeting September 5th, 7pm at the Portland Community Center; 2000 Billy G Webb Drive and tell TCEQ to DENY THE PERMIT!!! RSVP HERE
Their air permit application #174275 with state regulator Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is proposing to release many tons of various pollutants including 66.27 tons of TOXIC AMMONIA every year into the air and directly in the path of nearby Ingleside schools and neighborhoods.
ALL CITIZENS, BE AWARE of the hazards related to ammonia itself and the lethality of a leak!!!!
Possible Comments and issues you need to consider: